
Save selected text or screen area screenshot to Mochi in one click

Space repetition is almighty powerful technique. But I’ve always failed at the cards creation. It has to be extremely easy and fast to create a card, otherwise I won’t do it. Especially when reading a blog post, watching a video, looking up something in docs, etc. That’s why I’ve automated the process to the absolute minimum – one click (I use F1), or even a trackpad gesture (I use four fingers double tap).


How it works

Keyboard Maestro Macro overview: Keyboard maestro

BetterTouchTool Trigger overview BetterTouchTool

Upload script on GitHub

 w strajk’s post: Save selected text or screen area screenshot to Mochi in one click


Save selected text or screen area screenshot to Mochi in one click

Space repetition is almighty powerful technique. But I’ve always failed at the cards creation. It has to be extremely easy and fast to create a card, otherwise I won’t do it. Especially when reading a blog post, watching a video, looking up something in docs, etc. That’s why I’ve automated the process to the absolute minimum – one click (I use F1), or even a trackpad gesture (I use four fingers double tap).


How it works

Keyboard Maestro Macro overview: Keyboard maestro

BetterTouchTool Trigger overview BetterTouchTool

Upload script on GitHub

x22;BetterTouchTool&#x22;,&#x22;index&#x22;:0}"></p> <p><a href="https://github.com/Strajk/setup/blob/master/programs/clipboard-to-mochi.mjs">Upload script</a> on GitHub</p>x.�L�}�V�H�frontmatter���.�L�� ���title�.�LȌf�g�Save selected text or screen area screenshot to Mochi in one click����.�L��BZ՗�publishDate���.�LX� F�A�2023-05-01T00:00:00.000Z�.�L��Nc,>tags��.�L���΍[Automation����.�L� ��J�imageCount����.�L� r3��file�.�LH�N�# /Users/strajk/Projects/strajk-me/src/content/posts/2023-screenshot-to-mochi/index.md��.�Lp�Tꃞ�url�.�L����rawContent�.�L� ^=�wcompiledContent�.�L@��^��getHeadings�.�Lp� ���KContent�.�L��v�jresult�.�Lȏ�I��_props/�L���Cpslots/�L��8layout/�L@��0�content/�Lh�.�Ӕ�l����l�� �l���l����l�� �l���l���al�� �l���l���Al�� al�� �l�� �l���l���al�� �l�� �l�� �l���l����l�� �l�� �l�� �l���l����l�� �l�� �l�� l��l����l�� �l�� l�� !l��9l����l�� l�� !l�� Al��Yl���l�� !l�� Al�� al��yl���! l�� A l�� a l�� � l��� l���A!l�� a!l�� �!l�� �!l���!l���